Starting 4/9/09 the newest updates will be at the top of the page. 

Updates on ABBY: 



 Yesterday was a rough day for all of us but especially Abby.  She was scheduled for chemo and a spinal tap at 1:30 and we didn’t leave the clinic until after 6 PM.  Abby gets very worked up about the spinal taps (understandable, she’s had quite a few of them over the past 10 months) so it becomes very emotional for us, especially when you have to help hold her down, while trying to comfort her at the same time.  Nonetheless, it’s over for the month and we can forget about it until December.  Today we’re on our way up to Denver’s Children’s Hospital pain clinic to hopefully get her some relief from the constant headaches.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.

We all had a great time with Aunt Kathy and Uncle Brian over the weekend.  Uncle Brian fully participated in Halloween by carving pumpkins, ghosting the neighbor kids, dressing up and eating the kid’s candy haul Halloween night.  He also hid down the street from where the kids were trick-n-treating, jumped out and scared them everyone had a lot of fun….especially Uncle Brian.





Headache, Headache, Headache are the three words to describe Abby’s condition since August.  She hasn’t been able to be free of the pain and it seems that nothing or no one wants to step-up and help her.  Mary and Abby were in the hospital for 5 hours yesterday; Abby received fluids and Morphine to help reduce the pain which on a scale of 1-10 only went down to 7.  So we’re off to Denver Children’s Hospital tomorrow to see her Neurologist and get set up at the pain clinic.  Abby has officially moved over to the chronic pain category.  Unfortunately, were (they’re) not solving the problem but putting a band-aid on it.  We’re becoming very frustrated and are seeking other professional help.  Sorry for the gloomy update but, the part of treatment that’s supposed to be easy has become very frustrating for us.  All the cards, emails and packages have helped brighten her days, so thank you. 




Well after weeks of tests (MRI, Spinal Tap, Blood work) and Specialists (Neurologist and Infectious Disease doctor, second opinion) we’re still no closer to a solution to Abby’s daily pounding headaches or other nagging symptoms.  Mary and I are convinced that it’s the chemo drugs & steroids, but we haven’t been able to receive any official confirmation.  Abby had Chemo yesterday and was seen by the neurologist today up at Denver’s Children’s Hospital.  She has “steroid cheek’s” again from the treatment.  They are going to perform a pressure test on her brain by doing another spinal tap (one of Abby’s least favorite things)!   She continues to achieve high grades at school and loves to see her friends.  It amazes us how she keeps her spirits up!  I’ll let you know the outcome of her diagnoses once we find out.



Abby kept getting sicker after she had treatment on Tuesday 9/8, which led us into the clinic.  She’s been complaining of a headache, nausea and she broke out in a mild rash.  We were told that it should have nothing to do with the current chemo she’s on, so the mystery began.  Dr. Cook was perplexed.  He did a spinal tap to collect fluid and drew a lot of blood. Abigail had an MRI and we met with an Infectious Disease specialist today.  Her headaches have gotten very intense so the doctor put her on pain killers until we can figure out what’s wrong.  The good news is that they’ve ruled out that the cancer has returned or meningitis.  The “ID” doctor thinks it’s a reaction to the chemo Abby’s currently on.  We just want her to start feeling better, especially since this is supposed to be the easy part of treatment.  Please say an extra prayer for our little warrior.  She’s tired of needles, doctors, pain and stressed out worried parents.



Abby was the Honorary Coach of the Adams State College Grizzlies football game yesterday.  Adams State is in Alamosa, Colorado, about 175 miles from our house.  Gisela and Lee Phelan, the Owner/Operators of the McDonald’s in Alamosa are big sponsor’s of the schools’ athletic program and set up the event.  Abby and I got to meet all the players and coaches prior to the game; they were all very nice and treated Abby like their hero.  We were all amazed by the event and celebration given on Abby’s behalf.  Abby was awarded a signed game ball at half time in front of everyone (pictures included).  Unfortunately, the Grizzlies lost but it was a very enjoyable game. Abigail is recovered from chickenpox and is back in school part time. They will restart her chemo this week and get back on track.  Lauren left for England on Thursday night. Please feel free to post a word of encouragement to her on facebook.





I apologize for the long delay between updates.  Abby has moved onto the maintenance phase of treatment.  Her first day consisted of a Spinal tap, two different types of chemo and a couple of other drugs.  Even though they told us that this is the easy part, it’s still hard.

The kids started school on Tuesday, Abby only lasted a couple of hours.  We kept her out the rest of the week because she caught a couple of viruses; NO, we are not joking, Roseola and Chickenpox. We are still wondering if this is a joke but our doctors (we got another opinion) did enough tests to prove their point. The doctor thinks she will be able to kick it after about a week so Mary’s teaching her at home.  Calum was nice enough to back the doctors up with a relatively bad case of chicken pox too.  Yes, our children not only received the chickenpox vaccine, they got the booster. Mary got the chicken pox too!! Everyone needed to join in on the fun!

Abby’s hot tub was delivered a couple of weeks ago and she spends a lot of her time in it.  It’s been great therapy for her back which hurts from the spinal taps.  Her hair is starting to really come in and with each mention from us to Abby about the progress; she insists that she would prefer to stay bald.  I have to admit I’ve gotten used to her bald but Mary will have nothing to do with trimming it back down.

Abby’s best friend Katie has moved to Denver so having all the kids home the past week, along with Grandma, has provided a nice distraction for her.  Scott leaves on Tuesday, Grandma on Saturday and Lauren leaves for England on the 3rd.  We are hoping to get on a schedule and have the kids in school, as well as extra activities, as soon as they are able.  Calum is in football and Abby is eager to get back to riding.  Her back has been very tender from spinals so she has not been able to tolerate riding.  


We took Abby to The Picture People last week before her Chickenpox outbreak to document and celebrate the end of intensive chemo and the start of maintenance treatment.  The pictures are great and we will post them as soon as we receive them.  She had a lot of fun and enjoyed the special attention. There was a whole lot of jumping, twirling and giggling; the photographer took over 50 shots and caught it all for us to remember.



When Abby goes back to school this fall she’s going to have an interesting answer to “How did you spend your summer vacation”? 

It’s been a long hard summer but her intensive treatment is almost over and she’s showing signs of improvement.  Over the past couple of weeks she’s had several transfusions, emergency room visits and hospital stays.  She’s been neutropenic most of the summer which means virtually no immunity to fight disease or infection.  Her hair grew back a little and fell out again; along with all her body hair and most of her facial hair. She has low platelet which means her blood doesn’t clot at a normal rate so she has to be careful not to get cut or fall.

All in all, she’s improving and her spirits are good.  August is almost here and the promise of doing some “normal summer” things is exciting her.  She is anticipating not going to the clinic everyday and being able to see her friends.

There have been many events in honor of Abby this summer and we’re not sure if it’s possible to thank everyone personally.  We are both very touched and blessed by everyone’s overwhelming support for Abby.  A couple of highlights that have occurred over the past few weeks:  A group called “cupcakes and conversation” held a bake good and lemonade stand for Abby and the local news covered the event (which I’ll try to add the video to her site).  This kind act was replicated by several other members of the group in Chicago and Nevada which also had news coverage.  Aunt Kathy runs a one week summer camp in Buffalo called GAL which stands for Girls Athletic League.  Abby and Lauren have attended the camp in the past and I had promised Abby she could go this year.  Of course the promise was made prior to her being diagnosed, so I really didn’t break it.  This year Aunt Kathy and all the girls dedicated the camp to Abby and even though she wasn’t there she was included in every aspect of the week’s activities.  During the week the girls “Skyped” Abby and we were able to see and talk to everyone.  Abby received donations, letters and gifts from all who attended and it really lifted all of us at a really sensitive and tough time.  To all, thank you very much. You have helped tremendously.

Today we went up to Denver to have her counts checked.  We were able to meet all the folks in our sister clinic and say “Hey” to Dr. Smith, who is a visiting physician at our Colorado Springs clinic. Her counts were up just a little (they are still scary) but any “up” is GOOD.  She is in good spirits.






Abby was released from the hospital on 6/29, but that only lasted about 15 hours until we had to rush her back to the emergency room for fever and possible blood clots in her legs.  Our emergency room visit lasted until 5 AM with all the tests coming back negative for blood clots.  We all enjoyed about 4 hours of sleep over a 48 hour period.  We were in the clinic by 11 am to try and figure out why her legs were so swollen and why she had a fever.  Dr Cook said he thought her symptoms should go away with in several days and we should just watch and keep him updated. 

The symptoms did subside by Friday.  Unfortunately, she was still not feeling well over the weekend so her free weekend was spent quietly at home instead of a Colorado weekend outing.

Today starts the second round of her heavy treatment.  We started the day off with a spinal tap and worked our way into several doses of chemo.

We’re hoping not to repeat the last two weeks.  She’s feeling better but it’s hard to believe she’s got another month of this.

We’ve been keeping Calum busy with a variety of camps. He’s been getting a lot of physical activity and interaction with other kids.  Boy Scout camp is this week and he is going to a cancer camp for siblings next week. He’s been very good with everything that’s been thrown at him. 

Lauren flew out on Friday for Portland to meet Scotty and they are off to China for three weeks.   When she gets home we will pack up her house in Boulder and she is taking off for England to study journalism for a year. Scotty is coming for a visit in August before he starts back to school.  Calum and Abby are excited to see him.  Scotty’s girlfriend Annia is off to the Ukraine to visit her family for the month of August.




Sorry for the long delay in updates on Abby.   She has gotten very sick and her WBC (white blood count) which fights off infections has bottomed - out.  We have been in the clinic everyday this week fighting hard to get her blood counts up. It was determined on Friday she needed to be admitted into the hospital.  Abby has lost 3 pounds this week and has significant ulcers in her mouth and throat. She is experiencing tremendous pain from her chemo drugs and the meds given to increase her WBC count.   She’s on several antibiotics, IV’s for nutrition and morphine just to try and keep her comfortable.  The only people outside of the medical staff allowed to see her are Mary and I.  Unfortunately, we had to ask Asli and Matthew to go back home to Virginia Beach due to doctors rules on severe neutropenic leukemia patients. They were a big help and we all wished that they could’ve stayed; the dogs are going to miss Matthew, their new best friend.  Abby will be in the hospital until the beginning of next week; unless further complications take place.  We will need to find temporary (about one month) accommodations for our two Jack Russell terriers.  If anyone has any recommendations, please contact us!



Martina Mcbride - In My Daughter's Eyes lyrics

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the
world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me
strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand
around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about

It's hangin' on when your heart
has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy
she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes





Abby’s had heavy chemo treatment for almost 2 weeks.  As predicted, it’s been rough.  She is experiencing a lot of throwing up, headaches and generally not feeling well.  In addition to the chemo she’s back on steroids to keep her vital organs functioning. She hates the taste of the pills and throws them up immediately.  Dr. Cook has switched her to IV steroids which Mary has been administering daily, along with some other med’s.   The steroids have brought back her previous appetite; note to self, don’t go grocery shopping with someone on steroids. 

Our friend Paula Irman and her daughter Christina spent the last two weeks with us and were a tremendous help.  Christina took everything in stride and never once needed to be entertained, which is amazing considering she’s a normal 10 year old.  Abby and Christina were best friends when we lived in Indiana and they picked-up right where they left off.

It’s hard to claim any victories except that we’re told she’s hitting all her treatment benchmarks. All of what had become normal routines for Abby have stopped.  She mentioned several times today how much she misses Candy the horse.  We told her we could go visit and plan on calling her instructor tomorrow to arrange a time

Make-a-wish foundation is coming tomorrow to interview Abby for her wish.  She has already been awarded a wish but the interviewer helps her narrow down her choices.  NO HORSE if you are all wondering!  We think additional lessons will help her achieve her dream of competing. Maybe she will ask for those.   We will all have to wait and see what she chooses. 

Please feel free to send a note or card in the mail.  She loves to walk to the mail box and it really picks up her spirits when she receives something with her name on it.   Thanks again for everyone’s support and prayers.




Abby’s treatment was delayed on Monday because her blood counts were too low.  Her ANC level, which determines the ability to fight disease and infection, was too low at 500.  The count needs to be over 750 to proceed with the treatment.  A normal ANC count will range between 2000 & 7000.  When she was originally diagnosed in January it was at the lowest level of 300.  Abby was scheduled to go back in on Thursday and her ANC was 1,100, Dr. Cook and all the nurses were surprised, so much so, that they all bet against her making counts.  Lucky or not, she made the counts and she started the next, most difficult, phase of treatment.  Abby’s treatment lasted about four hours and seemed to go well.  However, she spent the remainder of the evening nauseous and vomiting.  She’s hanging in there, and resting comfortably with Mary.  There’s nothing like snuggling with mom to make you feel better.



 Last weekend Abby and her friend Katie got to go snorkeling at the Denver Aquarium.  Katie’s Grandfather set up the adventure and swam with the girls as well.  They swam with close to 100 fish, eels, turtles and a couple of sharks, which bumped Abby a few times. Everyone had a great time and I’ll add some pictures and video.


Thanks for all the Birthday wishes for Abby.  She had a nice little party on Friday. Unfortunately, earlier in the day, Mary and Abby went to the clinic for blood tests and her counts have really fallen.  We have to go back next week to have them checked again.  Our big concern is her ANC count which is a measurement of how strong her immunity is.  The ANC dropped from 2,400 last week to 700. She’ll have to stay away from the general public for awhile until they go back up.  We suspected something was wrong when she didn’t want to go riding on Tuesday, which never happens.

If her counts come back up she’ll start the heavy treatment on June 1st, none of us are looking forward to this treatment period but it will put her closer to full recovery.  


I've included a couple of more videos of Abby, the first is at the Aquarium and the second is Abby learning to jump with her horse.




Abby’s been on a 10 day chemo cycle provided she makes her blood counts (her levels need to be high enough to allow her to receive the chemo).  The dosage of chemo increases each visit and this week marked the return of her spinal taps.  Needless to say she’s not looking forward to it, then again who would?  As the cycle continues it takes her longer and longer to recover from each session.  Grandpa Mercer has been visiting with us this week and was able to go to Abby’s treatment.   

Her riding lessons have provided great therapy and she shows improvement each lesson.  Last week she even began to jumping and cantering.   Lauren produced two videos on Abby for her school projects which are included below.  We’re very proud of the job she’s done and hope you enjoy the videos.

Our  perish was kind enough to do an in home mass for Calum’s first communion.  It was a special event and Calum was happy Abby was able to attend. 

Click on the links below to view Abby's videos:






Abby has had 4 riding lessons and it’s proven to be great therapy.  She seems to constantly have a headache (common side effect of chemo) but all side effects seem to disappear on riding day.  It’s magic!  Her chemo cycle, for this cycle, is every 10 days provided her blood counts are high enough.  With each visit the chemo dosage is increased, which is beginning to also increase side effects (moody, headaches, nausea…).  We’re all happy that Spring has finally sprung. Today was in the 70’s, which is far different then this past week which blessed us with several of feet of snow.

Calum’s first communion is this Saturday and Father Paul is performing the service at our home so Abby could attend.  Calum was also the recipient of a perfect report card this quarter.  Lauren is single handedly trying to keep the insurance companies in business.  Yes, another car accident!  No injuries and no damage to our car.


April 4, 2009:

We had a nice little get away this week.  I had a business trip to Durango, Colorado. A beautiful town about 350 miles south west near four corners; which is where Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah come together.  While I was at work, Mary, Abby and Calum were able to go horse back riding in the mountains and enjoyed swimming in the hotel pool.  The pool in our hotel was a salt water pool and very therapeutic for Abby.

Abby’s chemo is going well.  She gets a little nauseous after treatment but the clinic does a great job of not letting the kids leave sick. 


April 9, 2009:

Abby started riding lessons on Tuesday.   We found an equestrian trainer that specializes in therapy riding for kids with cancer.  The schedule is flexible based on Abby’s condition.  At first, Abby was not interested in English Style of riding.  She was not willing to give up her cowboy boots but we talked her into trying it.  She loves it so much and it makes her extremely happy.  She started a new type of chemo last Friday.  She must make good blood counts each time to get her injections and it increases in strength each treatment.  It will last until the end of May.  Side note:  Lauren totaled her car driving home from Boulder on Saturday night.  She hit some black ice going over Monument Pass in a snow storm.  She will have to hoof it until she leaves for England.



February 11, 2009:  Abby is doing well, she just received a new comfy bed and is sleeping much better.  Her school has approved a fund raiser to sell awareness bracelets in honor of Abby.  All proceeds (100%) will be going to her family for medical bills.  A salon in Golden, CO (Reflections Salon & Day Spa) will also be selling Abby's bracelets to customers. We will be posting the bracelets on her website.  If you are interested in ordering one, click on the "Bracelets for Abby" link at the top of the screen.  Abby is having fun with all of the new goodies everyone have been sending her.  Thank you to everyone who has given her something special!

February 13, 2009:  Abby is going in for Chemotherapy today and a Bone Marrow Aspirate to see if the bone and bone marrow cells are healthy.  This test will give us a good indication of how many cancer cells are still in her body.  Two weeks ago, Abby's numbers were at 99%.  Last Friday they were 75%, so quite an improvement!  Keep up the prayers!  The bracelet order forms are now on this website, if you are interested in ordering some.  Just scroll down to the "Fill out my Form" link, fill out the form, print, and send to the address shown on the bracelet link along with a check.

February 20, 2009:  Abby was hospitalized last night due to her being so lethargic.  She was given a blood transfusion, and afterward made a huge improvement!  Test results came back from last week, and the cancer blasts in her marrow was at 0%!!!!  GREAT NEWS!  The doctor says that she will be in rapid early remission.  She also received another round of Chemotherapy today, and because of her numbers looking so good Abby will get a break next week from Chemo!  She will even get a day to have fun with friends and family outside of the home!  After next week she will start back on Chemotherapy and begin stage 2 of her treatment.  We will keep you posted!

 Febraury 26, 2009:  Abby's new baby officially has a name, "EMMA".  Abby recently had a Staff infection on her skin then spread inside her.  She is now on an antibiotic IV, which is being administered at home.  Abby gets her big test tomorrow.  The test that is being done tomorrow is extremely important, since it determines whether or not she is in remission.  The Neeson's medical insurance does not cover the test.  Thank you to those who have donated to Abby!

The Johnson Family is hosting an event at the McDonalds off of Powers & Stetson Hills for Abby!  On March 16th from 5p.m.-8p.m.  a portion of all proceeds will go toward Abby's medical bills.  We hope to see you there

February 23, 2009:  Abby has been very lathargic lately, and has almost completely lost her hair.  She is beginning to wear hats and rests often.  Abby said, "She wishes that the blood transfusions would last longer."  Every time Abby's white blood cell/hemoglobin count goes down, she loses all energy.  It is only through a blood transfusion that the doctors can boost her count quickly so she feels better.  Unfortunately, they just do not seem to last very long.

BIG NEWS--One of Abby's wishes have been fulfilled!  Today she opened her arms to a 12-week old Jack Russell Terrier that is now hers!  She has not yet decided on a name, but that puppy gave her many smiles today =).  Abby continues to paint often, and I will be posting some of them on the website, under the "pictures" link.

Friday will be a big day!  Abby will undergo a test that will be sent to Washington State University.  There they will determine if Abby is indeed in early remission.  Please pray hard for her.  An early remission would be wonderful!!  Thank you to the many who have ordered bracelets, given gifts to Abby, and have prayed for the Neeson Family.  All of the generousity they have been receiving, has been a blessing to witness!

March 5, 2009:

On Wednesday we received a call from Dr. Cook’s office and they told us the results from the University of Washington test. Abby’s body has stopped producing Leukemia! This is a big milestone for Abby. She moves onto phase II which is hunting down any existing sites in her body that still has Leukemia. She also started oral Chemo on Thursday. She will continue once a week clinic chemo until late May, when she’ll return to “heavy dosage” treatments.
We went to the clinic for a spinal tap and chemo on Thursday morning. Abby got sick to her stomach so she rested in bed the rest of the day. She finished her last IV antibiotic Thursday night for the staph infection, which seems to have responded well to the treatment.

Friday she walked Emma around the neighborhood and did some painting. Her new work of art will be posted soon; it’s wonderful! Her spirits have improved and Abby’s becoming more like her old self; a lot of laughing and joking.




Abby’s had her spinal tap and chemo today.  Abby’s looking a little pale and her counts were low, so we’re going back to the clinic on Monday.  Dr. Cook doesn’t seem to be worried but also doesn’t want to wait until next Friday to see her either.

She was very excited when we got home and parts of her computer started to arrive.  Thanks Uncle Michael Mercer!

Dr. Cook explained what the next couple of months are going to be with treatment and noted that June and July will be heavy dosages of chemo which means that those months will be very tough for her physically.

Mary’s been handling the lion’s share of home care for Abby because that’s what world class moms do and quite honestly that’s Abby’s preference. 

We’re all looking forward to Abby’s benefit on Monday.  We wanted to thank everyone for being so generous and especially Joe and Denise Johnson for putting the benefit together.




Abby has an appointment with Dr. Cook today to check her levels and then tonight we have her benefit at Joe Johnson’s restaurant.  A good friend of ours, Mike Daggett, flew in for the benefit from New York.  Mike gave Abby his old fireman’s helmet and went onto say that it had saved his life several times.  He told her it’s the equivalent to a super heroes’ cape and that Abby was his super hero.  Mike also told her that it was a temporary gift and that her obligation was to “pass it on” in the future to her hero.  Mike was in NY hours after 9/11 serving with his company in the aftermath of the tragic event.  I’ve added some pictures of Abby and the helmet. 




Sorry for the delay in updating.

Last week Joe Johnson and his family threw a wonderful benefit for Abby at their McDonald’s. We can’t thank everyone enough for the donations and contributions in making this event a success.

Abby has had a couple of good weeks. Last week marked her last Spinal Tap for 6 weeks, which is a great break for her. Abby has, however, had a headache since she was diagnosed. She is scheduled to have a CT Scan next week.  The doctor thinks it may be sinus related. In the meantime, Mary and I will administer some IV antibiotics in hopes of clearing up the problem. Lauren and Calum are both on Spring Break so we’re all enjoying the time together. Lauren came home with good news from school: she was accepted into the international studies program and will be studying in England next year.  Our oldest son Scotty just reported a 4.0 GPA!



In early March I began a campaign “Bracelets For Abby” at my work, Synacor, Inc.  The campaign ended this past Friday 4/3/09 and we raised a little over $800. This is outstanding!!! One of the best things about Synacor is how close and caring the staff is. Everyone really comes together like one big family when someone is in need.

I’ve posted pictures of the Synacor staff that were generous to donate and support Abby’s fight.  


Thank you Synacorians

Brian Neeson


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